Title: Surgery groups of knot and link complements (joint work with C. S. Aravinda and F. T. Farrell) Abstract: In this article we prove a conjecture due to S. Cappell which says that the surgery groups of the fundamental group of any knot complement in the 3-sphere are isomorphic to the surgery groups of the infinite cyclic group. We also compute explicitly the surgery groups of the fundamental group of any link complement in the 3-sphere. We use existence of nonpositively curved Riemannian metric in the interior of the manifolds and the Topological Rigidity Theorem of Farrell and Jones to prove the results.

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Title: Surgery groups of submanifolds of S^3 (appeared in Topology Appl., 100/2-3 (2000) 223-227).

Abstract: In this note we prove that the homotopy-topological structure set vanish for any irreducible sub-complex complement in the 3-sphere with incompressible boundary. As a consequence we calculate explicitly the surgery groups of any sub-complex complement.

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