Local participants are encouraged to attend the programme.
Interested applicants should send an email to
expressing their desire to participate
in the meeting.
Applicants should mention their affiliation, and the exact
dates during which they wish to attend the meeting. Graduate
should further provide the name of one possible reference.
There are funds available for some participants. Selected applicants
will be provided with local hospitality and
will be reimbursed for the
equivalent of II AC round trip train fare.
Please note that the deadline to receive e-applications is
February 28, 2008.
Registration is now closed.
1) Jishnu Biswas (ISI, Blr): jgbiswas@gmail.com
2) Arijit Sehanobish (ISI, Blr): arijitthegame@gmail.com
3) C.W. Erickson (Cambridge, UK): cwe@22.cam.ac.uk
4) Najib Ouled Azaiez (TIFR): ouled@math.tifr.res.in
5) Soma Purkait (ISI Blr): soma@isibang.ac.in
6) Kalyan Banerjee (ISI Blr): mmat0705@isibang.ac.in
7) Balchand Prajapati (IIT Delhi): bprajapati82@gmail.com
8) Gautam Borisagar (IIT Bombay): ghbsagar@gmail.com
9) U.K. Anandavardhanan (IIT Bombay): anand@math.iitb.ac.in
10) Satadal Ganguly (TIFR): satadal@math.tifr.res.in
11) Jung-Jo Lee (HRI): jjlee@mri.ernet.in
12) R. Barman (IIT GUwahati): rbarman@iitg.ernet.in
13) Ioulia Baoulina (HRI): jbaulina@gmail.com
14) Parvati Shastri (Mumbai University): parvati.shastri@gmail.com
15) Filippo Nuccio (Rome): nuccio@mat.uniroma1.it
16) Narsimha Kumar (TIFR): ganesh@mah.tifr.res.in
17) Chandrasheel Bhagwat (TIFR): chandra@math.tifr.res.in
(unable to attend)
18) Hugo Castillo (Bordeaux): hcastillo@gmail.com
(unable to attend)
19) Chandrakant Sharma (TIFR): ckant@math.tifr.res.in
20) Shane D'Mello (TIFR): shane@math.tifr.res.in
21) Somnath Jha (TIFR): somnath@math.tifr.res.in
22) L. Ducrohet (TIFR): ducrohet@math.tifr.res.in
23) Ashay Burungale (ISI Blr): ashayburungale@gmail.com
24) Debargha Banerjee (TIFR): debargha@math.tifr.res.in
25) Ramesh Sreekantan (TIFR): rameshsreekantan@gmail.com
26) Vijay Patankar (Microsoft, Blr): vij@microsoft.com
27) Arati Khairnar (TIFR, Bombay): arati@math.tifr.res.in
28) Aniket Krishna (CAM-TIFR, Blr): aniket@math.tifrbng.res.in
29) Harald Helfgott (Univ. of Bristol)
A list of email addresses of the speakers may be found here.