Measures and Dynamics on groups and homogeneous spaces

An international conference in honour of S.G. Dani's 60th birthday

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai
December 18, 2007 (Tuesday) To December 22, 2007 (Saturday)

Organizing Committee: M.S. Raghunathan, Gopal Prasad, Klaus Scmidt, Nimish Shah, Riddhi Shah, Siddhartha Bhattacharya

For information please contact

Time Table


  1. Jayadev Athreya (Princeton and Yale, USA)
  2. C. S. Aravinda (TIFR Bangalore)
  3. Somesh Bagchi (ISI Kolkata)
  4. Emmanuel Breuillard (Eco. Polytechnique, France)
  5. Pralay Chatterjee (IMSc, Chennai)
  6. Jyotsna Dani (Mumbai)
  7. Manfred Einsiedler (Ohio State, USA)
  8. Hillel Furstenberg (Hebrew University, Israel)
  9. Etienne Ghys (ENS Lyon, France)
  10. Alexander Gorodnik (Princeton, USA and Bristol, UK)
  11. Yves Guivarc'h (Rennes, France)
  12. Dimitry Kleinbock (Brandeis, USA)
  13. François Ledrappier (Notre Dame, USA)
  14. Elon Lindenstrauss (Princeton, USA)
  15. Meera Mainkar (Darmouth College, USA)
  16. Mick McCrudden (Manchester, UK)
  17. Dave Morris (Lethbridge, Canada)
  18. Shahar Mozes (Hebrew University, Israel)
  19. A. Mukherjea (South Florida, USA)
  20. M.G. Nadkarni (Mumbai)
  21. Gauri Navada
  22. A. Nogueira (Luminy, France)
  23. Hee Oh (Brown, USA)
  24. K.R. Parthasarathy (ISI, Delhi)
  25. Jyotsna Prajapat (Mumbai)
  26. S. Raghavan (Chennai)
  27. Ravi Raghunathan (IIT, Mumbai)
  28. B. V. Rao (ISI, Kolkata)
  29. C. Robinson E. Raja (ISI, Bangalore)
  30. Omri Sarig (Penn State, USA)
  31. A Sitaram (IISc, Bangalore
  32. J. Smillie (Cornell, USA)
  33. Klaus Schmidt (Vienna, Austria)
  34. S. Thangavelu (IISc, Bangalore)
  35. William A. Veech (Rice, USA)
  36. Barak Weiss (Ben Gurion University, Israel)
  37. G. A. Willis (Newcastle, Australia)
For details about visit dates of the different participants see this PDF file