Algebraic Geometry Seminar-Fall 2021

Anand Sawant and I are organizing a seminar on algebraic geometry and related areas. If you would like to give a talk, please feel free to send us an email.

Title: On semi-orthogonal decompositions of flag varieties over the integers


Title:Lagrangian fibrations on hyper-Kähler fourfolds

Title:Stability of zeta statistics

Title: Symplectic orbits of unimodular row

Title:Borel-Laplace multi-transform, and integral representations of solutions of qDEs

Title: Rational points on symmetric powers of projective spaces

Title: Ordinary Enriques surfaces

Title: Subvarieties of geometric genus zero of a very general hypersurface

Title:Nonexistence of semi-orthogonal decompositions and the base locus of the paracanonical systems

Title:Some results on Seshadri constants.

Spring 2021

Title:Calabi problem for smooth Fano threefolds

Title: On very stable bundles over curves

Title:A Thurston compactification for stability conditions

Title: GAGA type conjecture for the Brauer group via derived geometry


Title:Homological projective duality and categorical joins

Title:A non-archimedean definable Chow theorem

Title:Title: Counting (twisted) Fourier Mukai partners of an Ordinary K3 surface.

Title:Arakelov Geometry of Modular Curves X_0(p^2)

Title: Motivic-to-Chow isomorphisms for quotient stacks


Title:Equivariant Virtual Classes

Title:Projective manifolds whose tangent bundle contains a strictly nef subsheaf

Title:Compactifications of moduli of points and lines in the projective plane

Title:Irregular fibrations and derived categories

Fall 2020

Title: Blown-up toric surfaces with non-polyhedral effective cone

Title:Delta Geometry and Group Schemes

Title: On existence of weak Zariski decomposition on projective bundles

Title: Algebraic cycles and refined unramified cohomology

Title: The cobordism ring of algebraic involutions

Title:Holomorphic 1-forms and geometry

Title: Geometric invariants and geometric consistency of Manin's conjecture.

Title: Residual categories of Grassmannians

Title: Semiorthogonal decompositions for singular varieties