Pierrette Cassou-Nogues
University of Bordeaux, France
December 23, 2010
On polynomial maps from $C^2$ to $C$ and to $C^2$: The topic of the talk is the study of fibers of polynomial maps from $C^2$ to $C$ and to $C^2$. We will see the existence of generic fibers. We will introduce the tools to detect which fibers are generic and to study all the fibers. We will end with some open problems.
University of Bordeaux, France
December 23, 2010
On polynomial maps from $C^2$ to $C$ and to $C^2$: The topic of the talk is the study of fibers of polynomial maps from $C^2$ to $C$ and to $C^2$. We will see the existence of generic fibers. We will introduce the tools to detect which fibers are generic and to study all the fibers. We will end with some open problems.