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NamePeriod of StayHost
Girish Kulkarni 22-Jul-2024 31-Jan-2025 A. Sawant
H. Hida 15-Nov-2024 15-Dec-2024 E. Ghate
Prahlad Sharma 1-Dec-2024 4-Dec-2024 T. Deshpande
V. Kumar Murty 1-Dec-2024 7-Dec-2024 Mahan Mj
Pranab Sardar 3-Dec-2024 6-Dec-2024 S. Mukhopadhyay
Vyjayanthi Chari 5-Dec-2024 2-Jan-2025 A. Ghosh
Amit Kulshreshta 6-Dec-2024 9-Dec-2024 A. Ghosh
Devadatta Hegde 6-Dec-2024 13-Dec-2024 S. Varma
R. Venkatesh 7-Dec-2024 15-Dec-2024 A. Ghosh
Tanusree Khandai 11-Dec-2024 14-Dec-2024 A. Ghosh
Satadal Ganguly 12-Dec-2024 15-Dec-2024 A. Ghosh
V. Srinivas 19-Dec-2024 9-Jan-2025 A. Sawant
Adeel Khan 22-Dec-2024 11-Jan-2025 C. Ravi
Devarshi Mukherjee 6-Jan-2025 10-Jan-2025 C. Ravi
Yann Bugeaud 9-Jan-2025 8-Feb-2025 A. Ghosh
Subhajit Jana 12-Jan-2025 18-Jan-2025 Mahan Mj
Patrick Polo 14-Jan-2025 28-Feb-2025 A. Ghosh
Jens Marklof 14-Jan-2025 23-Feb-2025 A. Ghosh
Vaidehee Thatte 15-Jan-2025 18-Jan-2025 T. Deshpande
Jochen Heinloth 2-Feb-2025 15-Feb-2025 S. Mukhopadhyay
Emanuele Macri 9-Feb-2025 23-Feb-2025 S. Mukhopadhyay
Athanese Papadopoulos 16-Feb-2025 22-Feb-2025 A. Ghosh
Georgios Daskalopoulos 16-Feb-2025 22-Feb-2025 A. Ghosh
Chiranjib Mukherjee 14-Mar-2025 31-Mar-2025 Mahan Mj
Luzie Kupffer 14-Mar-2025 31-Mar-2025 Mahan Mj

The above list is for the visitors either right now in TIFR or coming in the near future. For a list of all visitors (in the database of this webserver) please click here.

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