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Facilities of TIFR and School of Mathematics

Scientific Information Resource Centre (Library)

The TIFR library is presently located in two spacious sections, one of which holds journals and the other books and monographs. The journal section, which faces the sea, is a comfortable place to read and study. The library stocks more than 1,00,000 volumes, including books, journals and microfilms. It subscribes to some 700 national and international research journals, and is equipped with modern facilities such as a collection of journals on CD-ROM's. The library holdings are totally computerized, enabling the user to make online searches of the database from any computer in the Institute. The TIFR library is open from 7.45 a.m. to 10.00 p.m. from Monday to Friday, 9.45 a.m. to 10.00 p.m. on Saturday and 9.45 a.m. to 7.00 p.m. on Sunday. It consists of two sections. One in the A-block and the other in the D-block. The journal section is on the mezzanine floor of the A-block with steps leading up from the Main lobby/reception. To get to the book section, go on the same level past the lifts, follow the corridor through floor M of the C-block which connects to the first floor of the D-block. Turn right at the end.


The School of Mathematics has its own network of computers with its own mail, web and computational servers. Many mathematics-related programs are available. There are several laser printers available (one in colour), scanner and photocopiers. Software includes TeX/LATeX, C and Fortran compilers, Mathematica, Macaulay, Pari/GP and most of GNU programs.

Besides that all offices have one computer, Intel-based, typically a Intel Core i5, with multimedia monitors. We upgrade our computers regularly to maintain decent facilities for the members of the School. All computers of the School are connected in a LAN with Gigabit switches, as part of the Institute's network, protected from outside access by different methods. There is also a wireless network to connect laptops and other devices. The Institute is connected to the Internet with a 1Gbps NKN link and another 400 Mbps link.

Housing and canteens

Postdoctoral Fellows get small flats in a building meant for that purpose. The rent is nominal (around 200 Indian rupees per month). Flats are fully furnished, including a kitchen with a gas stove and refrigerator. TIFR has two canteens, where meals are served throughout the day. Being subsidized by the Institute, food is available at affordable prices.


TIFR has a large Recreation Centre which was endowed by the Sir Dorabji Tata Trust. This is equipped with a modern gymnasium where physical fitness courses are conducted, a room for yogic exercise, table-tennis tables and badminton courts. The Institute also has a Sports Club which manages its sporting activities. There are two clubs in the Institute. One of them, Images, is the Film Club of TIFR; movies are projected every fortnight. The other club, AMA, is dedicated to classical Indian music.


Homi Bhabha's love of nature and esthetics is reflected in the pleasant and harmonious landscaping of the main campus. The buildings are set among manicured lawns. A seashore pathway provides the opportunity for a stroll by the Arabian sea.

Art collection

TIFR houses one of the finest collections of contemporary Indian painting and sculpture. These are displayed in the main lobby area, the auditorium foyer and at various other locations.


The Homi Bhabha Auditorium, inaugurated by Prime Minister Indira Gandhi in 1968, is fully air conditioned and seats just over 1000 people. It features all modern facilities required for a professional auditorium, including elaborate sound and lighting arrangements, projection facilities, and a stage with a large proscenium opening and various backdrops. Since it was commissioned, the Auditorium has been extensively used both by the Institute and by other organizations for conferences, scientific lectures, stage plays, films and programmes of music and dance.

School of Mathematics Office

The Office of the School of Mathematics is located on the third floor in Room No. A349 (Ext. 2353) and is equipped with all necessary office automation equipment like printers, photocopiers etc.

Math Resources

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