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Colloquium abstracts

Vaidehee Thatte
King's College London
January 16, 2025

Ramification Theory for Henselian Valued Fields:  Ramification theory serves the dual purpose of a diagnostic tool and treatment by helping us locate, measure, and treat the anomalous behaviour of mathematical objects. In the classical setup, the degree of a finite Galois extension of "nice" fields splits up neatly into the product of two well-understood numbers (ramification index and inertia degree) that encode how the base field changes. In the general case, however, a third factor called the defect (or ramification deficiency) can pop up. The defect is a mysterious phenomenon and the main obstruction to several long-standing open problems, such as obtaining resolution of singularities. The primary reason is, roughly speaking, that the classical strategy of "objects become nicer after finitely many adjustments" fails when the defect is non-trivial. I will discuss my previous and ongoing work in ramification theory in this setting; in particular, it allows us to understand and treat the defect. Background in ramification theory or valuation theory is not assumed.

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