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Post Doctoral Fellowships

The School of Mathematics offers a few post-doctoral positions every year. These are research positions in Mathematics, tenable for one year in the first instance and renewable for another year, subject to a review towards the end of the first year.

Successful applicants should have a recent Ph.D. degree in Mathematics or have defended their Ph.D. thesis by the time of joining. In exceptional cases, candidates who have submitted their Ph.D. thesis may be considered.

Amount of Fellowship

The current monthly stipend for Postdoctoral Fellows is as follows:

  1. With Ph.D. degree: Rs. 58,000
  2. With Ph.D. degree and one year experience: Rs. 61,000
  3. With Ph.D. degree and two or more years experience: Rs. 67,000

In addition, a contingency grant of Rs. 60,000/- per year will be payable.

House rent allowance at applicable government rates will be paid if official on-campus accommodation is not provided.

Jawaharlal Nehru Post Doctoral Visiting Scientist Scheme

Deserving candidates with at least one year of post doctoral experience and who do not have a position elsewhere at the time of joining the Institute will be considered for the Jawaharlal Nehru Post Doctoral Visiting Scientist Scheme.

Depending on qualification and experience, the monthly fellowship amount (consolidated, in addition to HRA as per rules) will be in the range of Rs. 55,000-75,000.

The appointment will be made initially for a year, and may be renewed for one more year.

Other terms and conditions are the same as those specified for the Postdoctoral Fellowship Scheme.

Main research areas
  • Algebra
  • Algebraic Geometry
  • Algebraic Topology, K-Theory, Motivic Homotopy Theory
  • Combinatorics
  • Complex Geometry
  • Dynamical Systems and Ergodic Theory
  • Geometry and Topology
  • Hyperbolic Geometry and Geometric Group Theory
  • Lie Groups and Arithmetic Groups
  • Number Theory
  • Probability
  • Representation Theory
  • Vector Bundles

TIFR has a beautiful campus situated on the Arabian sea in south Mumbai. The institute is well equipped with a library, computers, housing, and canteens. The library of TIFR subscribes to most important journals in mathematics and has a well stocked reference library. The campus is located in a vibrant part of Mumbai and is in close proximity to several cultural and tourist attractions. Other facilities include an on-campus child care center and a recreational center that hosts several events throughout the year.


To apply, please upload the following documents via :

  1. Curriculum Vitae
  2. A research statement
  3. Publication list
  4. Three letters of recommendation (to be submitted online by reference writers via the site

Complete applications received by January 31 will be considered for appointments starting in August.

The joining date for the fellowship is normally 1st August, though in exceptional cases other joining dates might be considered.

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