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Seminar Details

Title of Seminar: Infosys Chandrasekharan Random Geometry Colloquium
Title of Talk: Dynamics on the moduli space of point configurations on the Riemann sphere
Speaker: Rohini Ramadas, Brown University
Date: January 25, 2021
Time: 18:00:00 Hours
Venue: via Zoom

Abstract: A rational function $f(z)$ is called post-critically finite (PCF) if every critical point is either pre-periodic or periodic. PCF rational functions have been studied for their special dynamics, and their special distribution within the moduli space of all rational maps. By works of W. Thurston and S. Koch, (“almost") every PCF map arises as an isolated fixed point of an algebraic dynamical system on the moduli space $M_{0,n}$ of point-configurations on $P^1$; these dynamical systems are called Hurwitz correspondences. I will give an overview of the study of PCF rational maps, introduce Hurwitz correspondences and present results on their dynamics.

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