Title of Talk: Jackiw Teitelboim Gravity and Random Matrix Theory
Speaker: Sandip Trivedi, TIFR Mumbai
Date: February 15, 2021
Time: 16:00:00 Hours
Venue: AG-77
Two dimensional gravity is a fascinating subject of interest in the study of quantum gravity, statistical mechanics and random matrix theory. In this talk we will introduce a model of two dimensional gravity called Jackiw-Teitelboim gravity which has received considerable attention recently, motivated partly by the study of spin systems in condensed matter physics. We will discuss the classical solutions of the theory and quantise it using the path integral formalism. It will turn out that the theory is equivalent to a quantum mechanical system with a random Hamiltonian. The connection will involve recursion relations which were obtained by Mirzakhani in her study of the moduli space of bordered Riemann surfaces.
The talk is intended to be non-technical and accessible to a broad audience. It will be based on the following three papers:
1) D. Stanford and E. Witten, ``Fermionic Localisation of the Schwarzian Theory", arXiv: 1703.04612
2) P. Saad, S. Shenker and D. Stanford, ``JT gravity as a Matrix Integral", arXiv: 1903.1115
3) U. Moitra, S. Sake and S. P. Trivedi, ``JT gravity in the second order formalism", arXiv: 210.00596