Title of Seminar: Infosys Chandrasekharan Random Geometry Colloquium
Title of Talk: Farey Sequences for Thin Groups
Speaker: Christopher Lutsko, Rutgers University
Date: September 22, 2021
Time: 17:00:00 Hours
Venue: AG-77
Abstract: The study of thin groups has become a hot topic at the centre of a great deal of modern research. Recently the measure theory on infinite hyperbolic groups has opened these groups up to the techniques of homogeneous dynamics. In this talk I will give a brief and incomplete survey of this development and then explain a recent result about the local statistics of orbits by these groups and the connection to local statistics of some sequences of numbers. If there is time I will explain the connections between these theorems, Diophantine approximation on fractals, Ford packings, and continued fractions.
Title of Talk: Farey Sequences for Thin Groups
Speaker: Christopher Lutsko, Rutgers University
Date: September 22, 2021
Time: 17:00:00 Hours
Venue: AG-77
Abstract: The study of thin groups has become a hot topic at the centre of a great deal of modern research. Recently the measure theory on infinite hyperbolic groups has opened these groups up to the techniques of homogeneous dynamics. In this talk I will give a brief and incomplete survey of this development and then explain a recent result about the local statistics of orbits by these groups and the connection to local statistics of some sequences of numbers. If there is time I will explain the connections between these theorems, Diophantine approximation on fractals, Ford packings, and continued fractions.