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Seminar Details

Title of Seminar: Infosys Chandrasekharan Random Geometry Colloquium
Title of Talk: Multifractal analysis of Birkhoff averages for non-uniformly expanding Markov interval maps
Speaker: Johannes Jaerisch, Nagoya University
Date: December 1, 2021
Time: 17:00:00 Hours
Venue: via Zoom

Abstract: For Markov maps of the interval with countably many branches and finitely many neutral periodic points, we establish a conditional variational formula for the mixed multifractal spectrum of Birkhoff averages of countably many observables, in terms of the Hausdorff dimension of invariant probability measures. As an application we consider the cusp winding process for the geodesic flow on a hyperbolic surface modeled by a finitely generated free Fuchsian group with parabolic elements. This is a joint work with Hiroki Takahasi (Keio University).

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